King of Aryavarta (Land of Aryans), Bharat, who conquered all land known to be inhabited by Aryans stretching from the Himalayas to the Vindhya, laid the foundations of the nation called "India". In fact, the name of India in Hindi "Bhaarat" comes from his name "Bharat". Bhaarat literally means "from Bharat".
Though Kings are universally known to establish dynasties, with their sons getting the rule, and their sons of sons getting the rule thereafter, making kingship a family tradition.
However, Bharat thought differently. He deemed none of his nine sons worthy of inheriting the crown. He thought of the entire public living in his kingdom as his sons and daughters. Therefore, he decided to appoint someone not related to him by blood as the successor of the crown, on the basis of the candidate's abilities rather than his birth.
This is the first known instance towards "democracy" in history of mankind - letting the public rule the kingdom.
Why did Bharat do that?
Bharat thought that man's actions (karma - कर्म) are more important than his birth (janma - जन्म). Before his time, janma and karma were thought to be separate, distinct entities that would never meet. However, Bharat blurred the boundaries between janma and karma, something never heard of thousands of years back. Bharat defied all established norms of transfer of power in kingships, and his decision proved good for the nation for several generations. India continued to be one nation, ruled by powerful kings through full sovereignity.
In the present situation: Politicians let their sons become politicians in India, and they win votes from the public "in the name of" their father. Film stars let their sons and daughters become film stars, sometimes without any talent, while deserving actors have to suffice by being part of TV shows. A step in backward direction?