In decision analysis, we value several factors to make an objective decision. Quite some mathematics goes inside, as does lot of logic. A good decision is one which is most likely to result in a favorable outcome.
However, in prospect, even if the decision taken results in a bad outcome, still it remains a good decision because it was calculated to yield the highest possible chance of success.
This sounds very similar to the central principle of Gita: Perform your duty well without caring about the results.
However, in prospect, even if the decision taken results in a bad outcome, still it remains a good decision because it was calculated to yield the highest possible chance of success.
This sounds very similar to the central principle of Gita: Perform your duty well without caring about the results.
Bhagwad Geeta is always charismatic for me. Every time I read a 'shlok' from Ghagwad Geeta, it enlightens my brain and tranquilizes it for a while.
No wonder, why Bhagwad Geeta is described as the first anti-depressant of this world by psychiatrists.
Well, the God of Sarvamayi Shastramani Bhagvad Geeta(most ancient,the highest of high in all the scriptures and most widely known indian scripture)is in fact,the Incorporeal(bodiless) Shiva, who speaks the Bhagvad Geeta(means the song of God)through the mouth of Brahma at the end of Kaliyug(Iron Age)every 5000 years.Krishna is not the God of Geeta but the creation of God Shiva(creation does not mean the wordly creation but the creation through the knowledge spoken by Incorpeal God Shiva through mouth of Brahma).Thus, Krishna is the diety(Devta) who takes 84 birhts and thus comes in the cycle of life and birth.He(Krishna)was the first prince of Golden Age(Sola Kalaa sampurna or 16 celestial degrees complete) in his first birth but slowly over the period of 5000 years,His divinity decreases and at the end of 84 births(in 5000 yrs),
he is impure and God Shiva(who is out of cycle of life and death which is not true for Krishna) comes in Bharat at the end of 5000 yrs and transforms iron age into golden age.Please give your feedback.
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