Everyone agrees that patience is the key to developing and sustaining good relation with others. Still, most people I know aren't patient enough. Many times I'm not patient enough myself. How to cultivate patience?
One way is to meditate.
Meditation is not a dialog with yourself. Meditation is not thinking or concentrating on a particular topic. Meditation is a state where the mind stops thinking, and it gets "rest". An average person's mind never stops thinking, it gets tired after a while. It doesn't even stop during sleep. Therefore, we must practice meditation frequently to give rest to the restless mind.
How to meditate:
1. Best done in early morning hours
2. Wake up, brush your teeth, answer nature's call, take a shower
3. Dress in loose, light clothing
4. Ensure a private, quiet, dimly lit environment
5. Sit on the floor in Yoga position
6. Close your eyes
7. Concentrate on your breathing
8. Soon you will stop thinking everything, all that remains is a feeling of your own breathing.
9. If you fall asleep during meditation, it's okay. It means your mind was very tired and meditation gave it so much rest that it slept off. Gradually you will be able to keep awake during meditation.
Your method of meditation is exactly same as I do. You remember once I was too mentally disturbed and asking you on how to meditate? You referred me to Swasti Priye. Unfortunately we couldn't meet to talk on this issue.
Then I came to know about 'Vipashnna'. This is meditation teachings by Goutam Buddha. It says the same technique. I started practicing is this method, and I can assert it really works.
Dr. Anil, I am not completely agree with your view towards meditation. You have writen that "If one falls asleep in the process of medition, it's good." Sorry! it's not the right step. One must be concious during meditation....I told you about the relaxation technique in which if you fall asleep during the process...it's fine. Please don't mix it up with meditation!
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